EC Design Studio is open Thursdays 12-5pm and Saturdays 11-4pm
EC Design Studio is open Thursdays 12-5pm and Saturdays 11-4pm
Salt and Pepper Diamonds
Sapphire Candy Shoppe
Signature Cell Collection
Minimalist Essentials
Contour Stacking Bands
Sapphire Candy Shoppe
Sapphire jewelry so juicy you'll want to eat it!
Signature Cell Collection
The EC Design classics
Minimalist Essentials
Beautifully simple
Contour Stacking Bands
Customize your wedding bands!
June 15, 2021
I think we can all agree 2020 was rough. Closures, cancelled events and a shift to all things virtual left many of us reeling and alone. Collectively we will never be quite the same, but through it all we learned that nothing can cancel love, not even a global pandemic.
Here are 3 customer stories from 2020 that illustrate how love can shine, even in the darkest times.
Pandemics can’t stop love. My very first ‘clients of Covid’ came into the studio in early July to discuss custom sapphire engagement rings. Caroline and Tessa had scoped out my website and Instagram in advance, so they had a fairly clear idea of what they were looking for. We really just had to pick the stones (my favorite part!) and confirm the metal and texture choices. Masks were worn, hands were sanitized, and partitions were hung. The world may have changed how we function, but not who we are. I still found immense joy in working with these two wonderful humans to find their perfect ring pairing. In fact, you, my lovely clients, were some of the only people I saw (eye to eye at least) through it all.
Pandemic or not, life and love go on - Lysol and all.
Are you ready to design your engagement ring? Fill out our Dream Ring Questionnaire to get the ball rolling.
A story of self-love and sharing. Like many of us, Cheryl had some older pieces of jewelry gathering dust in her jewelry box. In particular Cheryl had a classic tennis bracelet with diamonds channel set in yellow gold. Tennis bracelets were hugely popular in the 80’s and since they were literally encrusted with diamonds, they tended to be worn only for more formal events and holidays. Not so practical for a fabulous, funky, Florida retiree. Cheryl needed some new beach friendly jewelry to match her sunny new lifestyle. We worked together virtually on a plan to remount the diamonds into a new suite of jewels including two sets of earrings and a cuff. She now has 3 modern beauties in her jewelry collection that reflect her current, more free-spirited style. Being the sweet lady that she is, Cheryl plans on using the extra diamonds in a few additional pieces for friends and family. Share the sparkle, Share the love!
And true to 2020 style, this whole process was made possible through emails and the good old USPS.
Do you have old gemstones you want to remount into a new treasure or the desire to create a sentimental piece for you or a loved one? Let us help you make new memories through jewels.
To learn more about ECD’s custom design process, visit the Custom page our website.
A very furry love lesson. Everything that is hard during a normal year was exceptionally difficult over the past 12 months. One of my favorite clients, Barb, unfortunately experienced the loss of a beloved pet this past year. For all of you pet lovers out there, you know how devastating the loss of a 4-legged friend can be. Barb and I have worked together on numerous jewelry projects over the years, and I was honored to make this very special memorial bracelet for her. Barb knew she wanted to wear it everyday and it had to have a rainbow, a paw print, and a heart on it. Through virtual consultations Barb and I designed a sparkling sapphire cuff bracelet to honor her sweet dog, Max, who crossed over the rainbow bridge in July. Now she has a beautiful reminder of her furry friend and the special bond they shared. His body may be gone, but his rainbow spirit will always be with her.
If you want ECD to custom design a memory keepsake for you, learn more about our process on our Custom page.
2020 gave us a lot to process, but through it all we managed to hold on to each other and weather the storm. There’s still a long way to go, but try to remember the good in the world when all seems lost. Celebrating new love, reimagining old treasures, and commemorating loved ones lost.
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